Monday, March 25, 2013

Pocket Diapers

The previous type of cloth diapers I discussed were prefolds and covers. Prefolds have been around for quite a while and may seem old fashioned to many. This week I'm going to discuss one of the main types of modern cloth diapers. Pockets! There are so many great things about pocket diapers and a few draw backs that I'll go over.

First of all, pocket diapers can get pretty darn cute. They come in a variety of prints and colors from all different brands.

You get to choose your own absorbency. If you are using the diaper for nap time (like I do), you can add extra soakers into the diaper pocket.

I have NEVER ever ever had a poop blowout with one. Curious now??

They come in aplix (velcro) or snaps.

There are "one-size" varieties that you can use from birth to potty training. Oh the savings!!! Below is the same brand of diaper on the smallest setting (about 8 lbs) and on the largest setting (about 35 lbs)

The only real downside I can think of with these types are the repelling that happens if you get buildup on the material. It happens every couple of months with mine since we have hard water. All you need to do is strip them in the wash and they are back to new. Stay tuned for my washing routines.

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