Monday, January 21, 2013

Roasted Butternut Squash Seeds

Butternut squash is one of my son's favorite foods. I was cutting one up today and I remembered my husband saying that the seeds were edible like pumpkin seeds. I am usually in a hurry when making his baby food and this time I wasn't and I decided to save the seeds. I set them aside in a bowl until I was done. After a good rinsing and picking off all the squash goo, I placed them in a bowl and added one tablespoon of olive oil and a bit of salt and spread them out on a cookie sheet. Put them in the oven at 275˚F for 30 minutes. They make a great snack and they are packed full of good stuff. They would be great for taking camping or on hikes. You can read the nutrition facts for yourself here.

My final verdict is that they are seriously tasty. I'd recommend these if you like salty crunchy snacks like I do. Better than chips, in my opinion! Enjoy!

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