Sunday, May 26, 2013

Flats and Handwashing Challenge: My Conclusions from the Week

It's the final day of the Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry.

When I initially thought about doing this challenge and actually starting it, I thought the whole thing was going to be a piece of cake. I was right and wrong.

It started out easy and it ended easy and I really only encountered one problem which could be easily remedied. We had no issues with the flats leaking or not getting clean. We had no issues getting a good fit. We had no issues with traveling. The only things I would probably change would be the way they are washed, if handwashing long term, and also finding a different solution for hanging them to dry.

I was nervous about taking my son out for the first time with nothing but flats. I even grabbed a few disposables, mainly as some sort of nonsensical security blanket. (at least it seems nonsensical now) I have no idea why I thought that traveling, going out, and night time meant that disposables were my only solution. The answer had been in front of my face the whole time. Traveling with flats has actually proven to be easier than worrying about disposables. I don't have to worry about running out and the next time I head to PA to visit family, I'm bringing my flats and I will just use my mom's washing machine and clothesline. And also, in case you were wondering, I haven't missed my diaper sprayer at all. Swishing and dunking in the toilet works just fine.

For anyone who is in need of diapers and not able to afford disposables, I would very much recommend using flats and covers. If you have a washing machine, even better. If you don't, it is completely doable. If you're going to use the camping style bucket and plunger washer, get gloves! I would recommend taking turns with the chore, as well. But as far as everything goes, you just have to dive in and see what works for you and then tweak everything according to you and your family's needs and situation. Although I don't think I can give a 100% fair opinion, since I can have my washing machine back as soon as we get home, I still think that if you are determined to cloth diaper, you have family support, and you see all the many benefits of cloth, you can most definitely be successful.

As far as how this changes my own perspective on cloth, I'm not entirely sure why I felt it necessary to purchase so many pocket diapers in the first place. They aren't really any easier. I feel that they only give the illusion that they are easier, since they look similar to the disposables that we have all been conditioned to accept as the norm. The reason I started using disposables at night was due to the pocket diapers repelling and having to wash all the bed sheets almost every day. The flats never once leaked and have amazing absorption qualities. Way to go natural fibers!

To be perfectly honest, I didn't think it was going to change my opinion on the way I was already cloth diapering, but it has. You can't go wrong with cheap and effective, as long as you don't mind putting forth a bit of extra effort in laundry.

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