Saturday, May 25, 2013

Flats and Handwashing Challenge: Traveling with Flats

Yes, you read that title correctly. We crossed state lines with nothing but flats, the wash bucket and plunger, and 2 emergency disposables (just in case all heck broke loose). So far, it's been no big deal. We drove from upstate NY to central PA to visit family for the Memorial Day weekend. I broke the news to my mom that I'd be handwashing dirty diapers in her bathtub. Her response? "I don't care." I figured as much. Plus, my mom has a clothesline in her yard! Yay!

We brought along all 24 large flats, 5 covers, and the cleaning supplies. I kept a wet bag in the diaper bag and he only needed one diaper change in the 5 hour drive. Once at my parents' house, diaper changes were no different than at my house. I ended up not washing my diapers last evening because I got so distracted with spending time with my family. I'm headed to do that now and I'll let you know how that goes later. But I can tell you one thing, I'm really excited about hanging them out to dry!


It's 2:30 and I have washed diapers, hung them out to dry, and taken them down and folded them. In this specific situation, I would have to say that handwashing diapers is much easier at my mother's house than mine. Her bathroom is much more spacious and of course, the clothesline. We are going to continue to cloth diaper and handwash for the rest of the weekend in a hotel room and I don't think it's going to be much different with the exception of drying them.

Normally I would have travelled with a few packs of disposables and never even given thought to taking cloth diapers with me. After doing this, it's really not a big deal and I think I will actually be doing this again on future trips.


  1. I had never considered flats for travel until this challenge also! I'm glad it's working out great for ya!

  2. They do seem like the easiest cloth diapering system to use while traveling.

  3. We've traveled with cloth diapers many times, but I've never brought flats! We're doing a camping trip this summer and I'm planning to bring the flats. They dry so much faster, which means fewer diapers to pack :).
