Thursday, May 23, 2013

Flats and Handwashing Challenge: Wash Routine

It's day 4 of the Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry.

My wash routine has been pretty simple. I made a wash tub out of a 5 gallon bucket and a plunger. It works really well and wasn't as difficult to do as I had imagined.

I start by storing dirty diapers in the wash bucket. I've been washing the diapers every day because the fewer that are washed, the easier it is on your hands and arms. Every evening I haul the bucket to the bathroom and fill it up with lukewarm water. This is my pre-rinse. I plunge it for about 5 minutes and then drain all the water. Next I add a small amount of my detergent and fill it with the hottest water I can get. I let it sit for a few minutes (usually enough time to watch final Jeopardy, haha) and then I wash vigorously for five minutes. 

I then dump all that water out and fill it again with hot water. I add about 1/4 cup of vinegar and then plunge for another 5 minutes or so. Dump again, fill again with hot water and repeat without the vinegar. Dump water and fill with lukewarm water for final rinse. Swish until there are no more soap bubbles, remove diapers, wring and hang to dry.

It's pretty simple and it usually only takes me 30 minutes or so. It does take a bit of upper body stamina to do this but I keep the music going to help keep my mind off of it.

I make sure to smell my diapers after taking them out and they always smell clean to me.

I do want to say that while this isn't so bad for a week, I am very much looking forward to getting my washing machine back. Handwashing diapers is very doable but by no means is it an ideal situation. If I were in a situation where I did not have access to a washing machine, I would look for a different long-term washing option other than a bucket and plunger.

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